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Museu de les Aigües virtual exhibitions

The virtual exhibition space at the Museu de les Aigües displays the most unique objects from the museum’s permanent collection. It presents a journey through the history of the water supply to the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area, as well as various themed exhibitions that offer different perspectives on water, hydraulic heritage, art and the evolution of water usage, among others.

This is a living exhibition space, enjoy it!

Available exhibitions:

  • The Museu de les Aigües as seen by Javier Mariscal. Get to know the Museu de les Aigües through illustrations by the artist Javier Mariscal. Visit exhibition! Opens in a new tab.
  • Art and Water I: Before tap water. A walk through history looking at the objects and works of art that show what life was like before the arrival of water in the home. Visit exhibition!  Opens in a new tab.
  • Art and Water II: The advent of tap water. Discover the new uses of water and the most emblematic objects, from an artistic perspective. Visit exhibition!  Opens in a new tab.
  • Art and Water III: what brought water to the tap A journey through the infrastructures and technologies that led to the water revolution and its reflection in the world of art. Visit exhibition!  Opens in a new tab.
  • 12 elements of Spain’s water heritage. Discover historical elements that have used water to generate energy, supply the population, irrigate and produce materials. Visit exhibition! Opens in a new tab.
  • Paths of water of Barcelona. Stroll through Barcelona and discover with this exhibition the water paths that for decades have been carrying water to all parts of the city, making its development possible. From photographs you will see how the city has been transformed, but always with these paths that have made it possible. Visit exhibition!Opens in a new tab.
  • Gaudí and the water: engineering, nature and wellbeing. . Discover as Gaudí worked with water in his architecture, taming it for fountains, cisterns, roofs and cooling systems. Visit exhibition!Opens in a new tab.
  • Industrial Water Heritage: How tap water came to our homes. A look at the vestiges of the technical and scientific revolution that brought tap water. Visit exhibition!Opens in a new tab.
  • The color of water is Alhambra. Find out through different works of art how water has drawn the architecture of the Alhambra in Granada to create symbolic elements and spaces of well-being that influenced Antoni Gaudí. Visit exhibition!Opens in a new tab.